2023-12-11 Arvid Sjöblomcleanup
2023-12-11 Arvid Sjöblomcleanup Bike_enemy.h
2023-12-11 Arvid Sjöblomcleanup Bike_enemy
2023-12-11 NilsForssenfixed merge conflict and made functions smaller
2023-12-11 malak585Merge branch 'main' of
2023-12-11 malak585fixed functions - alma, lukas, malin
2023-12-11 NilsForssenfixed function size
2023-12-11 NilsForssenFixed memory leak
2023-12-08 NilsForssenRemoved warnings
2023-12-08 NilsForssenRevert "Removed warnings"
2023-12-08 NilsForssenRemoved warnings
2023-12-08 Lukel495ramverk testfil fungerar: Lukas Alma Malin Stina Nils...
2023-12-08 malak585mer i testfil, fungerar ej:
2023-12-08 Lukel495skapa startmeny i test
2023-12-08 Lukel495la till catch.hpp och ram för testfil- Lukas, Alma...
2023-12-08 malak585fixed mouse positions
2023-12-08 malak585Merge branch 'main' of
2023-12-08 Lukel495ändra färg muspekare scoreboard
2023-12-08 malak585Merge branch 'main' of
2023-12-08 malak585fixed the rotation of the mouse
2023-12-08 Lukel495ändra muspekarfil till gameover
2023-12-08 Lukel495ändra färg på text i scoreboard menyval
2023-12-06 Lukel495la till .get<std::string>() för constructor problem...
2023-12-06 Nils Forssénremoved old stuff
2023-12-06 Nils ForssénAdded joystick functionality to menus, untested
2023-12-06 stian853Massive changes, Nils, Lukas, Stina, Arvid, Alma, Malin
2023-12-06 stian853resolved merge changes
2023-12-06 malak585incomplete json chaos
2023-12-06 stian853Changed to softcoding, Nils, Arvid, Stina
2023-12-06 Lukel495la till s.a gameover får json data
2023-12-06 Lukel495ändra json
2023-12-05 Lukel495la till data för textures i json
2023-12-04 malak585Done with every menu - Alma, Lukas, Malin
2023-12-04 malak585worked on gameover and scoreboard menu - Alma, Lukas...
2023-12-04 stian853add joystick pause
2023-12-04 stian853small fun changes
2023-12-04 stian853Merge branch 'joystick' into main
2023-12-04 stian853small fix
2023-12-04 stian853Added point scaling
2023-12-04 stian853joystick in game, Nils, Arvid, Stina
2023-12-04 stian853joystick in pausmeny
2023-12-04 stian853joystick i startmeny, Nils, Arvid, Stina
2023-12-01 malak585worked om backspace, mgameover menu - Alma, Malin
2023-11-30 lukel495Namn läggs nu in i csv filen från gameover: Lukas,...
2023-11-30 malak585worked on gameover menu - Alma, Kukas, Malin
2023-11-30 stian853cykel sinusvåg, Arvid, Stina, Nils
2023-11-30 stian853fixed merge conflict
2023-11-30 stian853allmänt fix, Stina, Arvid, Nils
2023-11-30 malak585skapat load_to_csv - Alma, Lukas, Malin
2023-11-29 malak585worked on saving points on game over menu - alma, lukas...
2023-11-29 stian853player can no longer go out of bound
2023-11-29 stian853collision between enemy andyf and bike
2023-11-29 Nils Forssénmade some animation
2023-11-29 malak585changed game over menu background - alma, lukas, malin
2023-11-28 Nils ForssénAdded branch
2023-11-28 Nils Forssénfixed merge conflicts
2023-11-28 Nils ForssénFixed game_over
2023-11-28 Nils ForssénMerge branch 'cykel'
2023-11-28 Nils ForssénMerge branch 'menu'
2023-11-28 Nils Forssénfixed merge
2023-11-28 Alma Dejussmall changes - Alma och Malin
2023-11-28 malak585merging
2023-11-28 stian853game_over picture
2023-11-27 malak585worked on scoreboard. - Alma och malin
2023-11-27 Alma Dejusfixed warnings
2023-11-27 lukel495added scoreboard and etc
2023-11-27 stian853added bike enemy
2023-11-27 stian853kollision yf och player, stina arvid
2023-11-27 lukel495added yf time to json Nils Lukas Arvid Stina
2023-11-27 lukel495Merge branch 'main' of
2023-11-27 lukel495merging yf and game_time
2023-11-27 lukel495added csv file, NILs LUKAS
2023-11-27 stian853fixed yf, stina arvid
2023-11-27 stian853bild
2023-11-23 lukel495Added json, fixed time, fixed scales and positions...
2023-11-23 lukel495fixed random seed
2023-11-22 Lukel495gitignoring
2023-11-22 Lukel495Revert "gitignoreing"
2023-11-22 Lukel495gitignoreing
2023-11-22 Lukel495changed gitignore
2023-11-22 Lukel495Revert "fixar grejer"
2023-11-22 Lukel495fixar grejer
2023-11-22 Nils Forssénpushing stuff
2023-11-21 Nils ForssénMerged helper_collision
2023-11-20 stian853fix scale lingare
2023-11-20 lukel495collision between helper and player + added points...
2023-11-20 Arvid Sjöblomlagt till ett yf-tåg, arvid, stina
2023-11-20 malak585added GameOver and Scoreboard menu
2023-11-20 stian853la till fiende cyklist
2023-11-20 malak585Resolved merge conflict
2023-11-20 malak585trash
2023-11-17 Lukel495tog bort sus fil
2023-11-17 lukel495collison between helper and player
2023-11-15 lukel495fixed menu image
2023-11-15 lukel495Fixed merge conflicts, Nils, Lukas, Stina, Malin, Alma...
2023-11-15 lukel495Fixed merge error
2023-11-15 lukel495REsolved merge conflicts, Nils, Lukas, Arvid, Stina
2023-11-15 lukel495Merge branch 'enemy' into main
2023-11-15 lukel495fixat json till bottle Nils
2023-11-15 Arvid Sjöblomadded enemy, arvid, stina