--- /dev/null
+function [pnx] = Lagrange_interpolation(z,)
+% Implementation to evaluate an interpolating polynomial p_n(x)
+% at the point x = z. The polynomial uses the standard Lagrange
+% basis functions.
+% z - 1x1 value to evaluate
+% ???
+% pnx - value of the polynomial interpolant at x = z
+% compute the polynomial interpolation sum evaluated at x = z
+ pnx =
+ for i =
+ for j =
+ end
+ pnx =
+ end
--- /dev/null
+%% Center
+D_x_center = diag(0.5*ones(5,1),1) - diag(0.5*ones(5,1),-1);
+D_x_center(1,1) = 1;
+D_x_center(6,6) = 1;
+interval = [0:1/5:1];
+h = 1/5;
+f_x_1 = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
+f_x_2 = interval.';
+f_x_3 = (interval.^2).';
+diff1 = 1/h * D_x_center * f_x_1
+diff2 = 1/h * D_x_center * f_x_2
+diff3 = 1/h * D_x_center * f_x_3
+%% Forward
+D_x_forward = diag(ones(5,1),1) - diag(ones(6,1), 0);
+D_x_forward(6,5) = -1;
+D_x_forward(6,6) = 1;
+interval = [0:1/5:1];
+h = 1/5;
+f_x_1 = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
+f_x_2 = interval.';
+f_x_3 = (interval.^2).';
+diff1 = 1/h * D_x_forward * f_x_1
+diff2 = 1/h * D_x_forward * f_x_2
+diff3 = 1/h * D_x_forward * f_x_3
+%% Backwards
+D_x_back = D_x_forward;
+interval = [0:1/5:1];
+h = 1/5;
+f_x_1 = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
+f_x_2 = interval.';
+f_x_3 = (interval.^2).';
+diff1 = 1/h * D_x_back * f_x_1
+diff2 = 1/h * D_x_back * f_x_2
+diff3 = 1/h * D_x_back * f_x_3
+%% Bias
+bound_low = ((-3*f_x_1(1)) + (4*f_x_1(2)) - (f_x_1(3)))/(2*h)
+bound_up = ((f_x_1(4)) - (4*f_x_1(5)) + (3*f_x_1(6)))/(2*h)
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--- /dev/null
+%% Center
+D_x_center = diag(0.5*ones(5,1),1) - diag(0.5*ones(5,1),-1);
+D_x_center(1,1) = 1;
+D_x_center(6,6) = 1;
+interval = [0:1/5:1];
+h = 1/5;
+f_x_1 = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
+f_x_2 = interval.';
+f_x_3 = (interval.^2).';
+diff1 = 1/h * D_x_center * f_x_1
+diff2 = 1/h * D_x_center * f_x_2
+diff3 = 1/h * D_x_center * f_x_3
+%% Forward
+D_x_forward = diag(ones(5,1),1) - diag(ones(6,1), 0);
+D_x_forward(6,5) = -1;
+D_x_forward(6,6) = 1;
+interval = [0:1/5:1];
+h = 1/5;
+f_x_1 = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
+f_x_2 = interval.';
+f_x_3 = (interval.^2).';
+diff1 = 1/h * D_x_forward * f_x_1
+diff2 = 1/h * D_x_forward * f_x_2
+diff3 = 1/h * D_x_forward * f_x_3
+%% Backwards
+D_x_back = D_x_forward;
+interval = [0:1/5:1];
+h = 1/5;
+f_x_1 = [1;1;1;1;1;1];
+f_x_2 = interval.';
+f_x_3 = (interval.^2).';
+diff1 = 1/h * D_x_back * f_x_1
+diff2 = 1/h * D_x_back * f_x_2
+diff3 = 1/h * D_x_back * f_x_3
+%% Bias
+bound_low = ((-3*f_x_3(1)) + (4*f_x_3(2)) - (f_x_3(3)))/(2*h)
+bound_up = ((f_x_3(4)) - (4*f_x_3(5)) + (3*f_x_3(6)))/(2*h)
+%% EXP
+D_x_center = diag(0.5*ones(5,1),1) - diag(0.5*ones(5,1),-1);
+D_x_center(1,1) = 1;
+D_x_center(6,6) = 1;
+N = 5;
+interval = [0:1/N:1];
+h = 1/N;
+f_prim = zeros(length(interval), 1);
+for i=1:length(interval)
+ f_prim(i) = 4*exp(sin(4*interval(i)))*cos(4*interval(i));
--- /dev/null
+x_joukow = [-1.7550, -1.7400, -1.6960, -1.6010, -1.4830, -1.2950, -1.0430, -0.8354, -0.5833, -0.2872, 0.1997, 0.8372, 1.3570, 1.69500];
+y_joukow = [ 0.0893, 0.1461, 0.2196, 0.3199, 0.4088, 0.5115, 0.6042, 0.6529, 0.6852, 0.6903, 0.6297, 0.4284, 0.1643, -0.04687];
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+function joukowsky_airfoil_image
+% This perfoms the conformal mapping to create a particular instance of a Joukowsky airfoil
+ theta = linspace(0,2*pi,300); % angles
+ r = 1.0; % radius
+ s = 0.175 + 1i*0.215; % circle origin
+ zeta = s + r*exp(1i*theta); % original circle values in complex space (written in polar form)
+ k = r - s; % transformation parameter
+ z = zeta + k^2./zeta; % conformal mapping of airfoil surface in complex space
+ z = z*exp(1i*pi/11); % rotate airfoil location
+ plot(-real(z),imag(z),'-k','LineWidth',1.5) % plot the transformed airfoil
+% plot the top and bottom curves
+% plot(topx,topy,'-k',botx,boty,'-k','LineWidth',1.5)
+ hold on
+% set limits and size of figure
+ set(gcf,'Position',[10, 10, 1500, 400])
+ set(gca,'FontSize',16);
+ xlim([-2.0 2.0])
+ ylim([-0.2 0.9])
+% fill with gray color for better visualization
+ h1 = fill(-real(z),imag(z),'k','LineStyle','none');
+ set(h1,'facealpha',0.05);
+% for i = 1:length(z)
+% plot(-real(z(i)),imag(z(i)),'ro','MarkerSize',10)
+% end
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