\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-#include "postfix.h"
-#include "token.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stack>
-#include <map>
-#include <istream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iterator>
-Postfix::Postfix(std::string const& infix_string) : expr{}
- std::istringstream is{infix_string};
- expr = make_postfix(is);
-std::string Postfix::to_string() const
- std::ostringstream os;
- std::copy( std::begin(expr), std::end(expr),
- std::ostream_iterator<std::string>{os, " "});
- return os.str();
-Postfix::operator std::string() const
- return to_string();
-bool Postfix::operator==(std::string const& rhs) const
- return to_string() == rhs;
-// right associative operators have input priority > stack priority
-// left associative operators have input priority < stack priority
-const Postfix::priority_table Postfix::operator_table {
- // {symbol, input prio, stack prio}
- {"^", {8, 7}},
- {"*", {5, 6}},
- {"/", {5, 6}},
- {"%", {5, 6}},
- {"+", {3, 4}},
- {"-", {3, 4}},
- {"=", {2, 1}}
-bool Postfix::is_operator(const std::string& token)
- // C++20: return operator_table.contains( token );
- return ( operator_table.count( token ) > 0 );
-Postfix::expression Postfix::make_postfix(std::istream& is, bool match_parenthesis) const
- using namespace std::literals; // for string literals ""s
- op_stack operator_stack;
- expression postfix;
- Token token;
- int unused_operands{0};
- while (is >> token && token != ")"s )
- {
- if ( is_operator(token) )
- {
- while ( ! operator_stack.empty() &&
- operator_table.at(token).input <=
- operator_table.at(operator_stack.top()).stack )
- {
- postfix.push_back( operator_stack.top() );
- unused_operands -= 1; // uses 2 but creates 1
- operator_stack.pop();
- }
- operator_stack.push(token);
- }
- else if (token == "("s)
- {
- expression parentesis{ make_postfix(is, true) };
- std::copy( std::begin(parentesis), std::end(parentesis), std::back_inserter(postfix) );
- unused_operands += 1; // entire postix is 1 operand
- }
- else
- {
- postfix.push_back( token );
- unused_operands += 1;
- }
- }
- if ( postfix.empty() && match_parenthesis && token == ")"s )
- {
- throw Infix_Error{"Empty parenthesis"};
- }
- if ( match_parenthesis && token != ")"s )
- {
- throw Infix_Error{"Missing ending parenthesis"};
- }
- if ( ! match_parenthesis && token == ")"s )
- {
- throw Infix_Error{"Missing starting parenthesis"};
- }
- while ( ! operator_stack.empty() )
- {
- postfix.push_back( operator_stack.top() );
- unused_operands -= 1; // uses 2 but creates 1
- operator_stack.pop();
- }
- if ( unused_operands != 1 ) // the last one is the answer
- {
- if ( unused_operands > 1 )
- throw Infix_Error{"Missing operator"};
- else
- throw Infix_Error{"Missing operand"};
- }
- return postfix;
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef POSTFIX_H
-#define POSTFIX_H
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <stack>
-#include <map>
-#include <istream>
-#include <stdexcept>
-class Infix_Error : public std::logic_error
- using std::logic_error::logic_error;
-// Creates a Postfix from a given infix string. All operands and
-// operators are required to be separated by at least one space.
-class Postfix
- Postfix(std::string const& infix_string);
- std::string to_string() const;
- operator std::string() const;
- bool operator==(std::string const& rhs) const;
- using op_stack = std::stack<std::string>;
- using expression = std::vector<std::string>;
- expression expr;
- struct priority
- {
- int input;
- int stack;
- };
- using priority_table = std::map<std::string, Postfix::priority>;
- static const priority_table operator_table;
- static bool is_operator(const std::string& token);
- expression make_postfix(std::istream& is, bool match_parenthesis = false) const;
+++ /dev/null
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cctype>
-#include "token.h"
-using namespace std;
-// Public
-set<string> const Token::default_operators{
- "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^", "=", "(", ")", "?", "£", "$"
- };
-string const Token::default_separators{" \t\n\r"};
-Token::Token(set<string> const& ops, string const& sep)
- : operators{ops}, separators{sep}, token{}
-istream& operator>>(istream& iss, Token& t)
- return t.next(iss);
-ostream& operator<<(ostream& oss, Token const& t)
- return oss << t.token;
-bool Token::is_operator() const
- return operators.count( token ) == 1;
-bool Token::is_integer() const
- return all_of(token.begin(), token.end(), ::isdigit);
-bool Token::is_decimal() const
- bool valid_chars = all_of(token.begin(), token.end(), [](char c)->bool
- {
- return c == '.' || isdigit(c);
- });
- bool one_dot = count(token.begin(), token.end(), '.') == 1;
- return valid_chars && one_dot;
-bool Token::is_identifier() const
- return all_of(token.begin(), token.end(), [](char c)->bool
- {
- return c == '_' || isalnum(c);
- });
-// Private
-bool Token::is_separator(int c) const
- return ( separators.find(c) != string::npos );
-bool Token::is_delimeter(int c) const
- if ( c == -1 ) // Traits::eof()
- return true;
- if ( is_separator( c ) )
- return true;
- auto b{ operators.begin() };
- auto e{ operators.end() };
- for ( ; b != e; ++b )
- {
- if ( b->at(0) == c )
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool Token::is_candidate() const
- auto b{ operators.begin() };
- auto e{ operators.end() };
- for ( ; b != e; ++b )
- {
- if ( b->find( token ) == 0 && *b != token )
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void Token::append(int c)
- token.push_back( static_cast<char>(c) );
-void Token::ignore_separators(istream& iss)
- auto c{ iss.peek() };
- while ( c != -1 ) // Traits::eof()
- {
- if ( ! is_separator( c ) )
- return;
- iss.get();
- c = iss.peek();
- }
-istream& Token::next(istream& iss)
- token.clear();
- ignore_separators( iss );
- auto c{ iss.peek() };
- bool prev_is_op{false};
- while ( c != -1 ) // Traits::eof()
- {
- append( c );
- bool is_op{ is_operator() };
- bool is_can{ is_candidate() };
- bool is_del{ is_delimeter(c) };
- if ( is_op && ! is_can )
- {
- iss.get();
- return iss;
- }
- if ( prev_is_op && ! is_op && ! is_can )
- {
- token.pop_back();
- return iss;
- }
- if ( is_del && ! is_can )
- {
- token.pop_back();
- return iss;
- }
- prev_is_op = is_op;
- iss.get();
- c = iss.peek();
- }
- return iss;
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef TOKEN_H
-#define TOKEN_H
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <set>
-// A class to read strings from an istream just like std::string,
-// but tokens are separated not only by space, but also by operators.
-// You should be able to just change from "std::string" to "Token" in
-// your program unless you do something special with your strings.
-// Tokens can be classified as integers, deciamls, identifiers or operators.
-class Token
- // interoperability with standard library (STL)
- using token_t = std::string;
- using value_type = token_t::value_type;
- using size_type = token_t::size_type;
- using pointer = token_t::pointer;
- using reference = token_t::reference;
- using iterator = token_t::const_iterator;
- iterator begin() const { return token.begin(); }
- iterator end() const { return token.end(); }
- size_type size() const { return token.size(); }
- size_type length() const { return token.length(); }
- value_type at(int i) const { return token.at(i); }
- // static constants for default values
- static std::set<std::string> const default_operators;
- static std::string const default_separators;
- // public members
- Token(std::set<std::string> const& operators = default_operators,
- std::string const& separators = default_separators);
- friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& iss, Token& t);
- friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& oss, Token const& t);
- operator std::string() const { return token; }
- bool operator==(std::string const& rhs) { return token == rhs; }
- bool operator!=(std::string const& rhs) { return token != rhs; }
- bool is_operator() const;
- bool is_integer() const;
- bool is_decimal() const;
- bool is_identifier() const;
- // help functions
- bool is_delimeter(int c) const;
- bool is_separator(int c) const;
- bool is_candidate() const;
- void append(int c);
- void ignore_separators(std::istream& iss);
- std::istream& next(std::istream& iss);
- // data members
- std::set<std::string> const& operators;
- std::string const& separators;
- std::string token;
- friend class Token_Private_Tester;
+++ /dev/null
-#include "catch.hpp"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "token.h"
-using namespace std;
-const std::set<std::string> my_operators{
- "+", "+-+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^", "=", "==", "(", ")", "?", "£", "$", "####"
- };
-class Token_Private_Tester
- Token_Private_Tester(Token& t) : t{t} {}
- bool is_delimeter(int c) const { return t.is_delimeter(c); }
- bool is_separator(int c) const { return t.is_separator(c); }
- bool is_candidate() const { return t.is_candidate(); }
- bool check_candidate(string const& s) { t.token = s; return t.is_candidate(); }
- Token& set(string const& s) { t.token = s; return t; }
- Token& t;
-TEST_CASE("help functions")
- Token tok{my_operators};
- Token_Private_Tester t{tok};
- CHECK( t.is_delimeter('+') );
- CHECK( t.is_delimeter('#') );
- CHECK( t.is_delimeter(' ') );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.is_delimeter('.') );
- CHECK( t.is_separator(' ') );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.is_separator('0') );
- CHECK( t.check_candidate("+") );
- CHECK( t.check_candidate("+-") );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.check_candidate("+-+") );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.check_candidate("+-++") );
-TEST_CASE("classifier functions")
- Token tok{my_operators};
- Token_Private_Tester t{tok};
- CHECK( t.set("+").is_operator() );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.set("+-").is_operator() );
- CHECK( t.set("+-+").is_operator() );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.set("+-++").is_operator() );
- CHECK( t.set("123").is_integer() );
- CHECK( t.set("3.14").is_decimal() );
- CHECK( t.set("x_34").is_identifier() );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.set("123a").is_integer() );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.set("3.14.").is_decimal() );
- CHECK_FALSE( t.set("=x_34").is_identifier() );
-TEST_CASE("normal input output")
- Token t{my_operators};
- istringstream iss{"1+2*34-sfd"};
- ostringstream oss{};
- while ( iss >> t )
- {
- oss << t << " ";
- }
- CHECK( oss.str() == "1 + 2 * 34 - sfd ");
-TEST_CASE("normal input output, default operators")
- Token t;
- istringstream iss{"1+2*34-sfd"};
- ostringstream oss{};
- while ( iss >> t )
- {
- oss << t << " ";
- }
- CHECK( oss.str() == "1 + 2 * 34 - sfd ");
-TEST_CASE("multichar operator input output")
- Token t{my_operators};
- istringstream iss{"1+-++2===as#####fgh"};
- ostringstream oss{};
- while ( iss >> t )
- {
- oss << t << " ";
- }
- CHECK( oss.str() == "1 +-+ + 2 == = as #### #fgh ");
-int main(int argc, char* argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
- Catch::Session session;
- session.run();
- Token t{my_operators};
- string s;
- if ( argc <= 1 )
- return 0;
- cout << "Manual test mode, press Ctrl-D to exit. "
- << "Please enter lines to split: " << endl;
- while ( getline(cin, s) )
- {
- istringstream iss{s};
- while ( iss >> t )
- {
- if ( t.is_operator() )
- cout << "op: '" << t << "', ";
- else if ( t.is_integer() )
- cout << "int: '" << t << "', ";
- else if ( t.is_decimal() )
- cout << "double: '" << t << "', ";
- else if ( t.is_identifier() )
- cout << "var: '" << t << "', ";
- else
- cout << "token: '" << t << "', ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-int main()
- string line;
- while ( getline(cin, line) )
- {
- Expression e{line};
- cout << e.to_string() << endl
- << e.evaluate() << endl;
- }
- return 0;