+++ /dev/null
-function [x,k] = gaussSeidel(A,b,x0,tol)
-% Gauss-Seidel iterative method to approximate the solution of a
-% linear system Ax=b up to a user defined tolerance
-% A - n by n square, non-singular matrix
-% b - n by 1 right hand side vector
-% x0 - n by 1 vector containing that initial guess for the iteration
-% tol - user set tolerance for the stopping condition in the iteration
-% x - n by 1 vector containing the iterative solution
-% k - number of iterations
-% get the system size
- n = length(A);
- max_its = 250;
- x = zeros(n, 1);
- for k = 1:max_its
- for i = 1:n
- sigma = 0;
- for j = 1:n
- if j ~= i
- sigma = sigma + (A(i,j)*x(j));
- x(i) = (b(i) - sigma)/a(i,i);
- if norm(b - A*x, 2) <<
-% Gauss-Seidel iteration which overwrites the current approximate solution
-% with the new approximate solution (pseudocode available in the lecture
-% notes on page 46)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+function [L,U,P] = lufact(A)
+% Computes the LU factorization of the matrix A. The factorization is done
+% in-place and then the L and U matrices are extracted at the end for
+% output. The factorization is PA = LU
+% A - n by n square, non-singular matrix
+% L - lower triangular matrix with ones along the main diagonal
+% U - upper triangular matrix
+% P - permutation matrix for pivoting
+% get the size of the system
+ n = length(A);
+% initialize the pivoting matrix
+ P = eye(n);
+% Vectorized in-place LU factorization (with row pivoting) that keeps
+% track of the total permutations by scrambleing the matrix P
+ for j = 1:n-1
+ [v i] = max(abs(A(:, j)));
+ A([k i],:) = A([i k],:);
+ P([k i],:) = P([i k],:);
+% Find the index of the largest pivot element in the current column
+% Swap the rows within the in-place array as well as the permutation matrix P
+% Perform the in-place elimination and save the new column of L
+ i = j+1:n; % indices for the "active" matrix portion
+ A(i,j) = A(i,j)/A(j,j);
+ A(i,i) = A(i,i) - A(i,j)*A(j,i);
+ %A, return
+ end
+% Extract L and U from the in-place form
+ U = triu(A);
+ L = eye(n) + tril(A,-1);
% Vectorized in-place LU factorization (with row pivoting) that keeps
% track of the total permutations by scrambleing the matrix P
for j = 1:n-1
+ A
+ [v i] = max(abs(A(j:n, j)));
+ A([j i+j-1],:) = A([i+j-1 j],:);
+ P([j i+j-1],:) = P([i+j-1 j],:);
+ A
% Find the index of the largest pivot element in the current column
% Swap the rows within the in-place array as well as the permutation matrix P
i = j+1:n; % indices for the "active" matrix portion
A(i,j) = A(i,j)/A(j,j);
A(i,i) = A(i,i) - A(i,j)*A(j,i);
-% A, return
+ %A, return
% Extract L and U from the in-place form