worked on gameover and scoreboard menu - Alma, Lukas, Malin
authormalak585 <>
Mon, 4 Dec 2023 08:57:14 +0000 (09:57 +0100)
committermalak585 <>
Mon, 4 Dec 2023 08:57:14 +0000 (09:57 +0100)
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ [deleted file]
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]

index 679dcef111cdacac471076e5e25b424cbfb3293e..05c496547c14ca17ae1971221966c052870124e2 100644 (file)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
         "bottles_per_second" : 2,
-        "game_time" : 2,
+        "game_time" : 20,
         "yf_per_second": 0.125,
         "bikes_per_second": 0.17,
         "scoreboard" : 5
index 6bb3686664493b73fa8555175f567918d066af9e..65d19a705ee51fd5d501235d4203fa907cbd8ffa 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+0. Arvid, 6
 gorilla, 5
 Lukas, 5
+Alma, 52. 
 gorilla, 4
-gorilla, 3
-, 3
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..99cda26
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "States.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+#include "json.hpp"
+using json = nlohmann::json;
+GameOver_menu::GameOver_menu(int const points, json& params) : texture{}, texture2{}, sprite{}, rectangle{},  mouse_l{}, mouse_r{}, linetext{}, entertext{}, pointstext{}, 
+                                                 playerInput{}, data{}, playerText{}, savetext{}, quittext{},  font{}, exit_game{false}, menu{false}, menu_index{1}, points{points}
+    texture.loadFromFile("assets/game_over.png");
+    sprite.setTexture(texture);;
+    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
+    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
+    sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
+    // load textfont
+    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
+        throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
+    // transparent box
+    rectangle = sf::CircleShape{200};
+    rectangle.setFillColor(sf::Color(255, 255, 0, 180));
+    rectangle.setOutlineThickness(7);
+    rectangle.setOutlineColor(sf::Color( 0, 0, 0, 128));
+    sf::FloatRect gbrs {rectangle.getGlobalBounds()};
+    rectangle.setOrigin(gbrs.width / 2, gbrs.height / 2);
+    rectangle.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2)));
+    // Points text
+    pointstext = sf::Text{ "Your points: " + std::to_string(points), font, 30 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbp {pointstext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    pointstext.setOrigin(gbp.width / 2, gbp.height / 2);
+    pointstext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 , ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 100));
+    pointstext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
+    // Enter text
+    entertext = sf::Text{ "Enter your name:", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbe {entertext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    entertext.setOrigin(gbe.width / 2, gbe.height / 2);
+    entertext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 , ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 30));
+    entertext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
+    // Player text input
+    playerText.setFont( font );
+    playerText.setCharacterSize( 20 );
+    sf::FloatRect gbpt {playerText.getGlobalBounds()};
+    playerText.setOrigin(gbpt.width / 2, gbpt.height / 2);
+    playerText.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 130, ((S_HEIGHT / 2)));
+    playerText.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
+    // Line text
+    linetext = sf::Text{ "_________________________", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gblt {linetext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    linetext.setOrigin(gblt.width / 2, gblt.height / 2);
+    linetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 , ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 5));
+    linetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
+    // mouse
+    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekareRed.png");
+    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
+    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
+    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    // Start menu text
+    savetext = sf::Text{ "Save Game", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbr {savetext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    savetext.setOrigin(gbr.width / 2, gbr.height / 2);
+    savetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 100));
+    // Quit text
+    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbs {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    quittext.setOrigin(gbs.width / 2, gbs.height / 2);
+    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 150));
+void GameOver_menu::update(Context& context)
+    if (menu)
+    {
+        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Start_menu>();
+    }
+    // changes color on text depending on selection
+    if( menu_index == 1)
+    {
+        savetext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+    }
+    else if( menu_index == 2)
+    {
+        savetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0)); 
+    }
+    // mouse placement
+    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 60 - 30*(menu_index - 1)), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 85 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
+    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 58 + 30*(menu_index - 1)), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 132 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
+void GameOver_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
+    window.draw(sprite);
+    window.draw(rectangle);
+    window.draw(mouse_l);
+    window.draw(mouse_r);
+    window.draw(entertext);
+    window.draw(playerText);
+    window.draw(linetext);
+    window.draw(pointstext);
+    window.draw(savetext);
+    window.draw(quittext);
+    if (exit_game)
+    {
+        window.close();
+    }
+void GameOver_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
+    switch (event.type)
+    {
+    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
+        switch(event.key.code)
+        {
+        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                load_to_csv(playerText);
+                menu = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            else if(menu_index == 2)
+            {
+                exit_game = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                break;    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               menu_index -= 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
+            if(menu_index == 2)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                menu_index += 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    // enter name
+    if (event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered)
+    {
+        // delete last charakter with backspace
+        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Backspace ))
+        {
+            if(!playerInput.isEmpty())
+            {
+                playerInput.erase(playerInput.getSize() - 1, 1);   
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        // if not backspace, print letters
+        else if(playerInput.getSize() < 30)
+        {
+            playerInput += event.text.unicode;
+        }
+        playerText.setString(playerInput);
+    }
+//spara namn till fil
+void GameOver_menu::load_to_csv(sf::Text playertext)
+    std::string current_line{playerText.getString() + ", " + std::to_string(points)};
+    std::ifstream highscore_file_r{"assets/highscore.csv"};
+    std::vector<std::string> lines_read;
+    std::vector<std::string> lines_write;
+    for (std::string one_line; std::getline(highscore_file_r, one_line);lines_read.push_back(one_line));
+    bool added {false};
+    for (std::string::size_type line_count{0}; line_count < lines_read.size(); line_count++)
+    {   
+        if (!added && points > std::stoi(lines_read[line_count].substr(lines_read[line_count].find_first_of(',') + 1)))
+        {
+            lines_write.push_back(current_line);
+            added = true;
+        }
+        lines_write.push_back(lines_read[line_count]);
+    }
+    if (!added) 
+    {
+        lines_write.push_back(current_line);
+    }
+    if (lines_write.size() > data["game_constants"]["scoreboard"]) lines_write.pop_back();
+    highscore_file_r.close();
+    std::ofstream highscore_file_w{"assets/highscore.csv"};
+    for (std::string::size_type line_count{0}; line_count < lines_write.size(); highscore_file_w << lines_write[line_count++] << std::endl);
+    highscore_file_w.close();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 46a03af..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,760 +0,0 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-#include "States.h"
-#include "Context.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "json.hpp"
-using json = nlohmann::json;
-// Start menu --------------------------------------------
-Start_menu::Start_menu() : texture{},  texture2{}, sprite{}, mouse_l{}, mouse_r{}, starttext{}, scoreboardtext{},
-                           quittext{}, font{}, start_game{false}, exit_game{false}, scoreboard{false}, menu_index{1}
-    //sprite
-    texture.loadFromFile("assets/meny_bild.png");
-    sprite.setTexture(texture);
-    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
-    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
-    sprite.setPosition(0, 0); 
-    //mouse
-    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekareGul.png");
-    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
-    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
-    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    //load textfont
-    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
-        throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
-    //start 
-    starttext = sf::Text{ "Start Game", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbts {starttext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    starttext.setOrigin(gbts.width / 2, gbts.height / 2);
-    starttext.setPosition ((S_WIDTH) / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 100));
-    //score
-    scoreboardtext = sf::Text{ "Scoreboard", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbtb {scoreboardtext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    scoreboardtext.setOrigin(gbtb.width / 2, gbtb.height / 2);
-    scoreboardtext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 50));
-    //quit
-    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbtq {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    quittext.setOrigin(gbtq.width / 2, gbtq.height / 2);
-    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, S_HEIGHT / 2);
-void Start_menu::update(Context& context)
-    if (start_game)
-    {
-        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Game_state>();
-    }
-    if (scoreboard)
-    {
-        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Scoreboard_menu>();
-        scoreboard = false;
-        return;
-    }
-    // changes color on text depending on selection
-    if( menu_index == 1)
-    {
-        starttext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
-        scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
-    }
-    else if( menu_index == 2)
-    {
-        starttext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
-    }
-        else if( menu_index == 3)
-    {
-        starttext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);  
-    }
-    // mouse placement
-    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 60), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 115 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
-    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 58), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 68 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
-void Start_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
-    window.draw(sprite);
-    window.draw(mouse_l);
-    window.draw(mouse_r);
-    window.draw(starttext);
-    window.draw(scoreboardtext);
-    window.draw(quittext);
-    if (exit_game)
-    {
-        window.close();
-    }
-void Start_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
-    switch (event.type)
-    {
-    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
-        switch(event.key.code)
-        {
-        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                start_game = true; 
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            else if(menu_index == 2)
-            {  
-                scoreboard = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            else if(menu_index == 3)
-            {
-                exit_game = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }   
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                break;    
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               menu_index -= 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
-            if(menu_index == 3)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                menu_index += 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-// Pause menu --------------------------------------------
-Pause_menu::Pause_menu() : texture{}, texture2{}, sprite{}, mouse_l{}, mouse_r{}, resumetext{}, startmenutext{}, 
-                           quittext{}, font{}, resume_game{false}, exit_game{false}, menu{false}, menu_index{1}
-    texture.loadFromFile("assets/Pause_bild.png");
-    sprite.setTexture(texture);;
-    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
-    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
-    sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
-    // mouse
-    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekareGul.png");
-    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
-    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
-    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    // load textfont
-    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
-        {
-            throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
-        }
-    // Resume text
-    resumetext = sf::Text{ "Resume", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbr {resumetext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    resumetext.setOrigin(gbr.width / 2, gbr.height / 2);
-    resumetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 30));
-    // Start menu text
-    startmenutext = sf::Text{ "Start menu", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbs {startmenutext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    startmenutext.setOrigin(gbs.width / 2, gbs.height / 2);
-    startmenutext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 20));
-    //quit text
-    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbq {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    quittext.setOrigin(gbq.width / 2, gbq.height / 2 );
-    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 70));
-void Pause_menu::update(Context& context)
-    if (resume_game)
-    {
-        context.next_state = std::move(context.saved_game);
-    }
-    else if (menu)
-    {
-        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Start_menu>();
-        context.saved_game.release();
-    }
-    // changes color on text depending on selection
-    if( menu_index == 1)
-    {
-        resumetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
-        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
-    }
-    else if( menu_index == 2)
-    {
-        resumetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
-    }
-        else if( menu_index == 3)
-    {
-        resumetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);  
-    }
-    // mouse placement
-    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 60), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 45 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
-    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 58), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 2 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
-void Pause_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
-    window.draw(sprite);
-    window.draw(mouse_l);
-    window.draw(mouse_r);
-    window.draw(resumetext);
-    window.draw(startmenutext);
-    window.draw(quittext);
-    if (exit_game)
-    {
-        window.close();
-    }
-void Pause_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
-    switch (event.type)
-    {
-    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
-        switch(event.key.code)
-        {
-        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                resume_game = true; 
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            else if(menu_index == 2)
-            {
-                menu = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            else if(menu_index == 3)
-            {
-                exit_game = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                break;    
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               menu_index -= 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
-            if(menu_index == 3)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                menu_index += 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-// Scoreboard menu --------------------------------------------
-Scoreboard_menu::Scoreboard_menu() : texture{}, texture2{}, sprite{}, menu{false}, exit_game{false}, 
-                                 startmenutext{}, quittext{}, mouse_r{}, mouse_l{}, font{}, menu_index{1}
-    texture.loadFromFile("assets/scoreboard.png");
-    sprite.setTexture(texture);;
-    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
-    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
-    sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
-    // mouse
-    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekare2.png");
-    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
-    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
-    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    // load textfont
-    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
-        throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
-    // Scoreboard text
-    scoreboardtext = sf::Text{ "Scoreboard:", font, 39 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbs {scoreboardtext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    scoreboardtext.setOrigin(gbs.width / 2, gbs.height / 2);
-    scoreboardtext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 120));
-    scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
-    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // First place text
-    firstplacetext = sf::Text{ "1. NAME 100p\n2. NAME 39p" , font, 18 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbfp {firstplacetext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    firstplacetext.setOrigin(gbfp.width / 2, gbfp.height / 2);
-    firstplacetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 70));
-    firstplacetext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Start menu text
-    startmenutext = sf::Text{ "Start menu", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbr {startmenutext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    startmenutext.setOrigin(gbr.width / 2, gbr.height / 2);
-    startmenutext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 80));
-    // Quit text
-    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbq {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    quittext.setOrigin(gbq.width / 2, gbq.height / 2);
-    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 130));
-void Scoreboard_menu::update(Context& context)
-    if (menu)
-    {
-        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Start_menu>();
-    }
-    // changes color on text depending on selection
-    if( menu_index == 1)
-    {
-        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
-    }
-    else if( menu_index == 2)
-    {
-        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
-    }
-    // mouse placement
-    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 45), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 65 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
-    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 73), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 112 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
-void Scoreboard_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
-    window.draw(sprite);
-    window.draw(mouse_l);
-    window.draw(mouse_r);
-    window.draw(scoreboardtext);
-    window.draw(firstplacetext);
-    window.draw(startmenutext);
-    window.draw(quittext);
-    if (exit_game)
-    {
-        window.close();
-    }
-void Scoreboard_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
-    switch (event.type)
-    {
-    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
-        switch(event.key.code)
-        {
-        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                menu = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            else if(menu_index == 2)
-            {
-                exit_game = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                break;    
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               menu_index -= 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
-            if(menu_index == 2)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                menu_index += 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-// GameOver menu --------------------------------------------
-GameOver_menu::GameOver_menu(int const points, json& params) : texture{}, texture2{}, sprite{}, rectangle{},  mouse_l{}, mouse_r{}, linetext{}, entertext{}, pointstext{}, 
-                                                 playerInput{}, data{}, playerText{}, savetext{}, quittext{},  font{}, exit_game{false}, menu{false}, menu_index{1}, points{points}
-    texture.loadFromFile("assets/game_over.png");
-    sprite.setTexture(texture);;
-    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
-    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
-    sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
-    // load textfont
-    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
-        throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
-    // transparent box
-    rectangle = sf::CircleShape{200};
-    rectangle.setFillColor(sf::Color(255, 255, 0, 180));
-    rectangle.setOutlineThickness(7);
-    rectangle.setOutlineColor(sf::Color( 0, 0, 0, 128));
-    sf::FloatRect gbrs {rectangle.getGlobalBounds()};
-    rectangle.setOrigin(gbrs.width / 2, gbrs.height / 2);
-    rectangle.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2)));
-    // Points text
-    pointstext = sf::Text{ "Your points: " + std::to_string(points), font, 30 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbp {pointstext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    pointstext.setOrigin(gbp.width / 2, gbp.height / 2);
-    pointstext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 , ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 100));
-    pointstext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
-    // Enter text
-    entertext = sf::Text{ "Enter your name:", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbe {entertext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    entertext.setOrigin(gbe.width / 2, gbe.height / 2);
-    entertext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 , ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 30));
-    entertext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
-    // Player text input
-    playerText.setFont( font );
-    playerText.setCharacterSize( 24 );
-    sf::FloatRect gbpt {playerText.getGlobalBounds()};
-    playerText.setOrigin(gbpt.width / 2, gbpt.height / 2);
-    playerText.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2)));
-    playerText.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
-    // Line text
-    linetext = sf::Text{ "_________________________", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gblt {linetext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    linetext.setOrigin(gblt.width / 2, gblt.height / 2);
-    linetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 , ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 10));
-    linetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
-    // mouse
-    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekareRed.png");
-    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
-    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
-    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
-    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
-    // Start menu text
-    savetext = sf::Text{ "Save Game", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbr {savetext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    savetext.setOrigin(gbr.width / 2, gbr.height / 2);
-    savetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 100));
-    // Quit text
-    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
-    sf::FloatRect gbs {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
-    quittext.setOrigin(gbs.width / 2, gbs.height / 2);
-    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 150));
-void GameOver_menu::update(Context& context)
-    if (menu)
-    {
-        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Start_menu>();
-    }
-    // changes color on text depending on selection
-    if( menu_index == 1)
-    {
-        savetext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-    }
-    else if( menu_index == 2)
-    {
-        savetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
-        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0)); 
-    }
-    // mouse placement
-    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 60 - 30*(menu_index - 1)), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 85 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
-    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 58 + 30*(menu_index - 1)), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 132 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
-void GameOver_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
-    window.draw(sprite);
-    window.draw(rectangle);
-    window.draw(mouse_l);
-    window.draw(mouse_r);
-    window.draw(entertext);
-    window.draw(playerText);
-    window.draw(linetext);
-    window.draw(pointstext);
-    window.draw(savetext);
-    window.draw(quittext);
-    if (exit_game)
-    {
-        window.close();
-    }
-void GameOver_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
-    switch (event.type)
-    {
-    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
-        switch(event.key.code)
-        {
-        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                load_to_csv(playerText);
-                menu = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            else if(menu_index == 2)
-            {
-                exit_game = true;
-                menu_index = 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
-            if(menu_index == 1)
-            {
-                break;    
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               menu_index -= 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
-            if(menu_index == 2)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                menu_index += 1;
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-    // enter name
-    if (event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered)
-    {
-        // delete last charakter with backspace
-        if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed( sf::Keyboard::Backspace ))
-        {
-            if(!playerInput.isEmpty())
-            {
-                std::cout << "yey" << std::endl;
-                playerInput.erase(playerInput.getSize() - 1, 1);   
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            playerInput += event.text.unicode;
-            playerText.setString(playerInput);
-        }
-    }
-//spara namn till fil
-void GameOver_menu::load_to_csv(sf::Text playertext)
-    std::string current_line{playerText.getString() + ", " + std::to_string(points)};
-    std::ifstream highscore_file_r{"assets/highscore.csv"};
-    std::vector<std::string> lines_read;
-    std::vector<std::string> lines_write;
-    for (std::string one_line; std::getline(highscore_file_r, one_line);lines_read.push_back(one_line));
-    bool added {false};
-    for (std::string::size_type line_count{0}; line_count < lines_read.size(); line_count++)
-    {   
-        if (!added && points > std::stoi(lines_read[line_count].substr(lines_read[line_count].find_first_of(',') + 1)))
-        {
-            std::cout << "i loop" << std::endl;
-            lines_write.push_back(current_line);
-            added = true;
-        }
-        lines_write.push_back(lines_read[line_count]);
-    }
-    if (!added) lines_write.push_back(current_line);
-    if (lines_write.size() > data["game_constants"]["scoreboard"]) lines_write.pop_back();
-    highscore_file_r.close();
-    std::ofstream highscore_file_w{"assets/highscore.csv"};
-    for (std::string::size_type line_count{0}; line_count < lines_write.size(); highscore_file_w << lines_write[line_count++] << std::endl);
-    highscore_file_w.close();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8cfb4a6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "States.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+Pause_menu::Pause_menu() : texture{}, texture2{}, sprite{}, mouse_l{}, mouse_r{}, resumetext{}, startmenutext{}, 
+                           quittext{}, font{}, resume_game{false}, exit_game{false}, menu{false}, menu_index{1}
+    texture.loadFromFile("assets/Pause_bild.png");
+    sprite.setTexture(texture);;
+    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
+    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
+    sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
+    // mouse
+    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekareGul.png");
+    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
+    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
+    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    // load textfont
+    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
+        {
+            throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
+        }
+    // Resume text
+    resumetext = sf::Text{ "Resume", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbr {resumetext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    resumetext.setOrigin(gbr.width / 2, gbr.height / 2);
+    resumetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 30));
+    // Start menu text
+    startmenutext = sf::Text{ "Start menu", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbs {startmenutext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    startmenutext.setOrigin(gbs.width / 2, gbs.height / 2);
+    startmenutext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 20));
+    //quit text
+    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbq {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    quittext.setOrigin(gbq.width / 2, gbq.height / 2 );
+    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 70));
+void Pause_menu::update(Context& context)
+    if (resume_game)
+    {
+        context.next_state = std::move(context.saved_game);
+    }
+    else if (menu)
+    {
+        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Start_menu>();
+        context.saved_game.release();
+    }
+    // changes color on text depending on selection
+    if( menu_index == 1)
+    {
+        resumetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
+        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
+    }
+    else if( menu_index == 2)
+    {
+        resumetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
+    }
+        else if( menu_index == 3)
+    {
+        resumetext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);  
+    }
+    // mouse placement
+    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 60), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 45 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
+    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 58), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 2 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
+void Pause_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
+    window.draw(sprite);
+    window.draw(mouse_l);
+    window.draw(mouse_r);
+    window.draw(resumetext);
+    window.draw(startmenutext);
+    window.draw(quittext);
+    if (exit_game)
+    {
+        window.close();
+    }
+void Pause_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
+    switch (event.type)
+    {
+    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
+        switch(event.key.code)
+        {
+        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                resume_game = true; 
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            else if(menu_index == 2)
+            {
+                menu = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            else if(menu_index == 3)
+            {
+                exit_game = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                break;    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               menu_index -= 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
+            if(menu_index == 3)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                menu_index += 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..82abec6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "States.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+#include "json.hpp"
+using json = nlohmann::json;
+Scoreboard_menu::Scoreboard_menu() : texture{}, texture2{}, sprite{}, menu{false}, exit_game{false}, 
+                                 startmenutext{}, quittext{}, mouse_r{}, mouse_l{}, font{}, menu_index{1}
+    texture.loadFromFile("assets/scoreboard.png");
+    sprite.setTexture(texture);;
+    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
+    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
+    sprite.setPosition(0, 0);
+    // mouse
+    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekare2.png");
+    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
+    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
+    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    // load textfont
+    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
+        throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
+    // Scoreboard text
+    scoreboardtext = sf::Text{ "Scoreboard:", font, 39 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbs {scoreboardtext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    scoreboardtext.setOrigin(gbs.width / 2, gbs.height / 2);
+    scoreboardtext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 120));
+    scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // First place text
+    std::ifstream highscore_file_r{"assets/highscore.csv"};
+    std::string csv_content {};
+    for (std::string one_line; std::getline(highscore_file_r, one_line); csv_content += one_line + "p \n");
+    firstplacetext = sf::Text{ csv_content , font, 18 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbfp {firstplacetext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    firstplacetext.setOrigin(gbfp.width / 2, gbfp.height / 2);
+    firstplacetext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 30));
+    firstplacetext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
+    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // Start menu text
+    startmenutext = sf::Text{ "Start menu", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbr {startmenutext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    startmenutext.setOrigin(gbr.width / 2, gbr.height / 2);
+    startmenutext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 80));
+    // Quit text
+    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbq {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    quittext.setOrigin(gbq.width / 2, gbq.height / 2);
+    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2 - 15, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 130));
+void Scoreboard_menu::update(Context& context)
+    if (menu)
+    {
+        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Start_menu>();
+    }
+    // changes color on text depending on selection
+    if( menu_index == 1)
+    {
+        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
+    }
+    else if( menu_index == 2)
+    {
+        startmenutext.setFillColor(sf::Color(153, 0, 0));
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); 
+    }
+    // mouse placement
+    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 45), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 65 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
+    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 73), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) + 112 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
+void Scoreboard_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
+    window.draw(sprite);
+    window.draw(mouse_l);
+    window.draw(mouse_r);
+    window.draw(scoreboardtext);
+    window.draw(firstplacetext);
+    window.draw(startmenutext);
+    window.draw(quittext);
+    if (exit_game)
+    {
+        window.close();
+    }
+void Scoreboard_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
+    switch (event.type)
+    {
+    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
+        switch(event.key.code)
+        {
+        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                menu = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            else if(menu_index == 2)
+            {
+                exit_game = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                break;    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               menu_index -= 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
+            if(menu_index == 2)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                menu_index += 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bad9f3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#include <memory>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include "States.h"
+#include "Context.h"
+#include "constants.h"
+Start_menu::Start_menu() : texture{},  texture2{}, sprite{}, mouse_l{}, mouse_r{}, starttext{}, scoreboardtext{},
+                           quittext{}, font{}, start_game{false}, exit_game{false}, scoreboard{false}, menu_index{1}
+    //sprite
+    texture.loadFromFile("assets/meny_bild.png");
+    sprite.setTexture(texture);
+    sprite.setScale(S_SCALE_KOEFF, S_SCALE_KOEFF);
+    sf::FloatRect gb {sprite.getGlobalBounds()};
+    sprite.setPosition(0, 0); 
+    //mouse
+    texture2.loadFromFile("assets/muspekareGul.png");
+    mouse_l.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_l.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    mouse_l.setRotation(180);
+    sf::FloatRect gbm {mouse_l.getGlobalBounds()};
+    mouse_r.setTexture(texture2);
+    mouse_r.setScale(0.1, 0.1);
+    //load textfont
+    if ( !font.loadFromFile ("assets/fonts/Philosopher-Regular.ttf") )
+        throw std::invalid_argument ("Unable to load font");
+    //start 
+    starttext = sf::Text{ "Start Game", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbts {starttext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    starttext.setOrigin(gbts.width / 2, gbts.height / 2);
+    starttext.setPosition ((S_WIDTH) / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 100));
+    //score
+    scoreboardtext = sf::Text{ "Scoreboard", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbtb {scoreboardtext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    scoreboardtext.setOrigin(gbtb.width / 2, gbtb.height / 2);
+    scoreboardtext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 50));
+    //quit
+    quittext = sf::Text{ "Quit", font, 24 };
+    sf::FloatRect gbtq {quittext.getGlobalBounds()};
+    quittext.setOrigin(gbtq.width / 2, gbtq.height / 2);
+    quittext.setPosition (S_WIDTH / 2, S_HEIGHT / 2);
+void Start_menu::update(Context& context)
+    if (start_game)
+    {
+        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Game_state>();
+    }
+    if (scoreboard)
+    {
+        context.next_state = std::make_unique<Scoreboard_menu>();
+        scoreboard = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    // changes color on text depending on selection
+    if( menu_index == 1)
+    {
+        starttext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
+        scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
+    }
+    else if( menu_index == 2)
+    {
+        starttext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);  
+    }
+        else if( menu_index == 3)
+    {
+        starttext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        scoreboardtext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black);
+        quittext.setFillColor(sf::Color::Yellow);  
+    }
+    // mouse placement
+    mouse_r.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) + 60), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 115 + 50*(menu_index - 1)));
+    mouse_l.setPosition(((S_WIDTH / 2) - 58), ((S_HEIGHT / 2) - 68 + 50*(menu_index - 1))); 
+void Start_menu::render(sf::RenderWindow& window) const
+    window.draw(sprite);
+    window.draw(mouse_l);
+    window.draw(mouse_r);
+    window.draw(starttext);
+    window.draw(scoreboardtext);
+    window.draw(quittext);
+    if (exit_game)
+    {
+        window.close();
+    }
+void Start_menu::handle_input(sf::Event& event)
+    switch (event.type)
+    {
+    case sf::Event::KeyPressed:
+        switch(event.key.code)
+        {
+        case sf::Keyboard::Enter:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                start_game = true; 
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            else if(menu_index == 2)
+            {  
+                scoreboard = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }
+            else if(menu_index == 3)
+            {
+                exit_game = true;
+                menu_index = 1;
+            }   
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Up:
+            if(menu_index == 1)
+            {
+                break;    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               menu_index -= 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        case sf::Keyboard::Down:
+            if(menu_index == 3)
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                menu_index += 1;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }